Summer Bucket List

Mamas who wish you could stop time, I’m here with you.

Little Babe won’t be here until fall, but time already seems so very precious. I read recently that you only get 18 summers with your kiddos before they leave home and, SIS, I’m crushed. I haven’t even had ONE summer with my little and I’m already sad they will fly by too soon!

I know from here on out that my life will never be LESS busy. I’m determined to make the most of my time and that means setting intentions for myself before something or someone else does.

I’ve been out of the school year schedule for longer than I’d like to admit, but there’s still something special about this time of year. As a kid, it was a season of LITERAL growth. How wild was it to leave your middle school classmates for a whole summer and hardly recognize them in the fall?

Now that I’m older summer has been a time of personal growth. I want you to join me in having THE MOST fun and fulfilling summer, so I’m sharing my summer bucket list.

I have three categories of activities

  • Reading

  • Kid activities

  • Adult activities

With nine ideas for each.

I know the amazing women in our community have some great ideas, so of course there is a worksheet for you to track them. There is also a space for you to write down your WHY. It’s easier to scroll your phone than open a book. So WHY are these summer goals important to you? 

You can get your summer bucket list at the link below. Even though I’m literally sharing my own personal list, I printed the planner page too. I’m ready to fill it in with your great ideas of how to savor this precious summer. Share your ideas on Facebook or Instagram. I’m excited to read your thoughts!


Quick + Easy Recipes for Busy Summer Nights


Cold Side Dishes and Summer Cocktails