My Morning Routine for Health, Wealth, and Happiness

I’ve been sharing my morning workouts online since 2014 and now have the accountability (and joy!) of other women joining me. I have to have a great morning routine or working out with the SISterhood wouldn’t be a part of ANYONE’S routine.

Prioritizing health isn’t just about moving your body (although it’s a cornerstone of my morning routine!). It sets you up for a day of intention instead of rushing from one task to the next. It releases the stress you are holding. 

Joining us for physical workouts is one small part of a life that prioritizes social, emotional, and spiritual health too. These dimensions don’t exist in a vacuum. Here are my tips for prioritizing your overall health with an energetic morning routine.

Related: Meet the SIS Team in my Instagram highlight reels

Start your day earlier

I hate that there’s no way around this one. If you wait until the last possible minute to wake up and start your morning routine you will feel rushed. And that’s no way to start the day.

What do you consider essential that helps you estimate how much time you need in the morning? Showering, getting dressed, skincare and cosmetics come to mind. These are all physical needs. Caring for your mind and spirit is essential too. When you hit snooze, consider what you are willing to give up for a few more minutes in bed.

Move your body

There’s no better way to set the tone for the day than with a workout. Not everyone is ready to join us at 5:15 for our live daily workouts. I think the accountability of an in-person class is great, but SIS members have access to our entire video library with a great workout variety. Streaming classes range in time from 7 to 60 minutes and in intensity from yoga to kickboxing.

Moving your body helps feed the fight-or-flight monster in a healthy way. If you’re not releasing that stress physically, you can carry it with you through the day. 

Fuel your body

A healthy, protein-packed breakfast is part of the best morning routine for energy. Your body is made to crave fuel. If you don’t consciously consider food your subconscious will do it for you. The term “hangry” comes to mind. It will be hard to focus on anything except food and you will become more willing accept less-than-stellar options.

A protein shake is a great option for on the go. Check out my Healthier Spring Make At Home Coffee & Protein Drinks.

If a drink won’t cut it but you need some speed, check out Five On-the-Go Breakfast Recipes.

I’m not totally fast food! Check out my Macro-Friendly Fast Food Options.

Fuel your brain

Try if you can to avoid social media and the news first thing in the morning. That dopamine hit is hard to beat and sets you up for constant checking throughout the day. While you are sitting down to your healthy breakfast, consider a book instead. The morning is my favorite time to read non-fiction books so I can jot down notes and really take in what I’m learning.

An alternative to this is a personal development podcast. The audio format makes it easier to stack with other healthy habits.

Choose your BIG 3

My personal planner is WILD and I always have new ideas to track. It sounds counterintuitive, but limiting my daily tasks to my BIG 3 actually helps get MORE accomplished. I know my day will come with interruptions and having those three big goals to focus on makes it easier to get back on track. 

Setting alarms and reminders helps these three big tasks stay front-of-mind. One thing I’m NOT doing on my phone is checking emails. My morning time is for me and my goals. Email can wait for my work day.


I’m so grateful for the support of my Sisterhood community. Checking in daily with our workouts or in the Facebook group keeps me motivated. But it’s important to chat in-person too. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all of life’s expectations and having a village eases that stress. 

Take ten at a coffee shop. Instead of coffee to go, walk in and visit with your barista. Chat with a stranger. Sit and enjoy your coffee while you look over your planner or fuel your brain for the day.

Get an accountability buddy. You are not alone in struggling to get out of bed with energy every day. Find a friend with a similar struggle and schedule a daily call. Be open with a coworker about your personal development goals and see if they’d like to chat regularly about progress. 

Take a class. Whether you’re painting ceramics or learning to sew you will be surrounded by people with like interests. 

Printable morning routine weekly habit checklist

A Pinterest image of Erika in her morning routine with overlay of printable weekly habit tracking checklist and morning routine poster

I summarized the steps of my morning routine into a printable poster and checklist. You don’t need to start all of these things at once and even small steps will add up. Get a visual reminder of your progress by printing the checklist and keeping it in an obvious place. Checking in regularly is a great way for you (and the people you live with) to make your mornings a priority.


30-Day Breakfast Meal Plan


Healthier Spring Make At Home Coffee & Protein Drinks