Holiday Gift Guide for the Fitness Lover

Hey there, SIS! Happy holidays!

Today’s post is not for you as much as Santa. He’s seen how committed you’ve been to fitness this year and is so proud of your progress! What better way to show you he’s noticed than to leave a fitness-inspired gift under your tree?

The trouble is, Santa doesn’t need the best protein bars because he’s all stocked up on cookies. And he doesn’t need to worry about the actual best dry shampoo because he always wears a hat. He definitely wouldn’t know which headband to pick, then. Santa’s great and all, but he probably thinks a Stanley cup has to do with hockey.

No worries! I’ve put together a gift guide just for Santa. You can click the link at the bottom of this post to have it delivered to your email, so it’s super easy to forward along to him.

You’ll find a ton of gift ideas in my Holiday Gift Guide for the Fitness Lover. I have it divided into three categories: Stocking stuffers, clothes, and some splurge-worthy finds.

My favorite gift idea is definitely a year’s membership to Sweat Inspire Sisterhood. I love our community on Instagram and Facebook. If you do too, you’ll be right at home in the sisterhood. You can be as involved as you want- whether you want access to the 2000+ workout videos already banked or you want the accountability of daily live classes. You can access the entire recipe database or keep up with the weekly plans (and grocery lists!). Joining yearly offers a 15% savings, and if you want to give it a try first, you can now access a free 30-day trial.

Click the link below for an easy-to-forward hint, hint holiday list.


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